Category: Volleyball

  • It’s your destiny! Take control of it!

    This morning as I was getting situated to start my work day, I came across a video by a professional beach volleyball player called Riley McKibbin entitled “Rise of a Benchwarmer”. The video starts out describing a scenario that played out while he and his brother, also a professional beach volleyball player, were coaching a…

  • Beat the ball. Don’t meet it!

    Volleyball is all about positioning. The difference between getting the dig, making the pass, or stuffing the block is often a matter of inches. Fractions of inches even. One of the most common mistakes we see in young players is they play themselves out of position. This usually happens for one of two reason. Either…

  • A Coach’s Response: To the Coach that killed my passion

    Source Article: To the Coach that killed my passion. I wish I could say I have never been that coach for anyone, but I’m pretty sure I have been. In fact, I’m pretty sure I could rattle off at least four names from just one team!

  • Handling the trap set

    I’ve been a high school volleyball coach for about five years. The last three of those, I’ve been privileged and lucky enough to be the head coach. Before that, I played about 6-7 years of club and beach volleyball in New Zealand with, and against, some of the best in the nation. I wasn’t a star…