Latest updates: Job and home

This month has been a rather eventful month, to say the least. Having said that, the last five or six days (Saturday, 26 September – Wednesday, 30 September) have made up the bulk of said “events.”

I posted just a couple of days ago about our visit to the ER. The latest news on that front is that we are now having the opposite problem, which is confusing to say the least. I got a call from Jennifer at about 1.20pm EST to inform me that Lilyana had a temp of 95° F (35° C), which is bordering on hypothermia. I got another call at about 3pm telling me that she was still that cold, then I called at about 5pm to check in and was happy to hear that it had finally risen to 97° F (36° C), which is still a few degrees on the cold side, but its not something to be terribly concerned about. We just need to keep close track of what her temperature is doing over night to make sure she move into hypothermia or heat stroke. *SIGH*

Anyway, I think I posted a little while back about wanting to get our own place. Well, I can say with near certainty that we now have our own place. We’re hoping to move in to my mother-in-laws rental home, which happens to be the very house Jennifer grew up in, within the next four to five weeks, or so. The only contingency is my employment status, and location, which is the next part of my update…

As mentioned in a previous post, I’ve been doing contract work for a nursing school in a neighboring county. The whole point of working these contracts was to try and land a job here full time.  Well, the job was officially posted on Monday, 28 September and I officially applied for it on Tuesday, 29 September. The odd thing is, to apply I had to create an account on a job site, which included “posting” my resume to the site.  At about 8.40am this morning, I got a phone call from a woman who works in Lexington, KY saying she had reviewed my resume and wanted to set up a preliminary interview for this Friday. I told her this Friday didn’t work for me, so we rescheduled for next Tuesday, October 6.

I’m looking forward to the interview and I look forward to learning more about both the industry and the position.  To be entirely honest, this will be my first REAL job interview, because most of the jobs I’ve landed to date have kind of landed in my lap, so I’m a little nervous at the same time.  At this point, I would rather get the full time position here in Hyden, KY, because it would eliminate the need to relocate my family some 120 miles, but it would also require less training time on my part to learn new systems and work flows, let alone new people. Having said that, if the Lexington job comes with a good salary offer, I think we’ll be living in Lexington or Richmond before October is out, which means we will no longer need to live at the in-laws anymore.

All in all, its been a very eventful week thus far, and we’re only just gone halfway! I will most definitely post again in the near future to update you all on both the employment status and the accommodation status. Stay tuned.





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